DC1 Welcome to Camp Amicus

Welcome to Camp Amicus! We are so excited to have you kick off this summer at Camp Amicus. We begin every morning with announcements where we go over our day. Also, campers get to choose the choice that they want to participate in for the day! Today we began with introductions of the counselors and setting some ground rules for camp! One of the rules is the three Rs - Respect Ourselves, Respect Others and Respect our Environment. Following Announcements, we head over to Camp Wide Game!

Today the Camp Wide Game is human scrabble. Campers run to make a word that describes their favorite part of camp. Campers run towards the counselors holding the letter and have to do a task given to earn that letter for example “playing air guitar”. After they run back another camper goes off trying to complete the word! Whoever can complete the most tasks and complete the word wins!

After Camp Wide Game today we have our 2:6 block where we get to know our groups! We work on our braids as well as our group contract. Our group contract consists of things we want to see from camp and things we do not want to see from camp. Learning, having fun and teamwork were some things the campers want out of camp this year and Fighting, yelling and taking things are somethings we don’t want in camp!

Following 2:6 group time. Campers get to go towards the choice that they chose earlier today during announcements! The choices today were Pool Noodle Fencing, Tagtastic which is different games of tag and Bead Making.

After the first choice block campers switch up and move towards a different choice block that they choose today.

As we wind down our day we have steps in the right direction as our last block! Steps in the right direction are stickers “steps” that each camper and counselor have for someone if they did something that they thought was a step in the right direction. Following the three Rules of respect is worthy of a step sticker!


DC1 Being Part of a Group