Zones of Regulation

Welcome back to Camp Amicus, Campers! We start off with announcements where campers got to choose their clubs as well as their two choice blocks and what slide they would like to go on Friday when we go to village square! Campers head off to Camp Wide Game which was Human Scrabble!

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After Camp Wide Game, Campers head towards their social skill block for today! Today’s Social Skill was zones of regulation!

  • Zones of regulation help campers understand their emotions better. Green zones would be happiness and excitement. Red zone angry and fear. Blue would be sad, tired. The yellow zone would be anxious and could be exciting as well.

  • We react to everything differently in a situation and give different reactions and zones to different people! Campers were given a situation and ran to the blue, yellow, red or green zone! Campers made a fortunate tellers to help identify their zones of regulation .

  • Campers were also given a spoon with an emotion and were asked to act it out as other campers tried their best to guess as well as give out suggestions to help when certain zones!

Campers transition towards their clubs that they got to choose this morning! Sports club played wall ball, science club made catapults and art club made string letters!

Campers refuel with lunch and head towards their two choice blocks of the day!

Campers choices today were water games, gaga ball, archery and bracelet making!

We end off the day with steps in the right direction, Steps or step stickers are a chance for campers and counsellors to recognize amazing things that campers have done today. It could be trying out a new sport or being a good friend! Steps are given in the form of paw print stickers!


Being part of a group


Welcome to Camp Amicus