

The past two weeks at Horsemanship have provided us all with wonderful opportunities to grow. From learning how to care for our horses to gaining confidence with the decisions we are making, we have done our absolute best to always be open to learning.

This week we have continued to focus on developing confidence, resilience, teamwork, and patience. We have learned how to take care of our horses by brushing them down, learning their anatomy, and cleaning out their hooves. We have continued to practice being confident with our direction giving, maintaining our posture, and communicating with our team. While some of this may seem repetitive, all of these skills are difficult to learn, and like most things require us to always be open to improvement.

Today, we took time to think about what we are grateful for. Campers discussed how grateful they are for being given the opportunity to learn from their horses and Mac. They are also thankful to you, their parents, for sending them to this program. They are also grateful for their horses, the patience their horses showed them and all the time they were able to spend together.

As we move forward, we implore you to keep pushing yourselves to master new skills and remember that you are always capable of more than you think you are.


Self-Regulation & Perseverance