Horsemanship V

Welcome to Horsemanship campers! We are excited to begin our day at homeland ranch.

Campers begin the morning with an essential part of our day, that is to take care of our horses we comb and pet our horses so they feel loved. Just like our horses we need to feel loved and to take care of ourselves for us to brave the world.

Once the campers were finished with giving their horses some love they began working together to bring out their saddles and bridles! Each horse has a set saddle and bridle just like us we come in different shapes and sizes.

Time to saddle up campers begin instead of the arena campers are prepared for a long ride on the trail.

After returning back to camp where we ended off today with steps in the right direction. Step stickers are given for steps in the right direction. A camper and counselor can give them out! We will see you tomorrow!


Horsemanship VI


Horsemanship Week IV