Thursday: What Others Are Thinking

Welcome back to another wonderful day at overnight camp! We cannot believe today was our last full day! We started off our morning with another polar bear dip before getting ready for the day and heading down to breakfast. For breakfast, we had french toast, bacon and fruit! 

After breakfast, we had 2:6 time where we checked in with the goals we set earlier this week, before heading over to a camp wide game of Temple of Doom. In this game, there are three teams that take turns switching between runners and throwers. The runners goal is to make it across the temple and grab “treasure” on the other side and bring it back to their side, while the throwers protect the treasure using dodgeballs.

After camp wide game, we made our way over to social skill. Our social skill today was What Others are Thinking. We talked about how sometimes what someone is thinking is very different from what we assume they are thinking, and some cues we can look for to decipher what someone else is thinking. We then played Desert Survival to practice.

After social skill, we had some transition time before we headed over for lunch where we had chicken fingers, fries and veggies. Following lunch, it was time for rest hour. We went back to our cabins and chose a low energy activity to rest our bodies.

After rest hour, we headed to our choices for the afternoon. Our choices on this sunny afternoon where horse care, sensory sticks and water games! 

We then had kangaroo court, where campers participate in court to try and get a couple counsellors slimed for crimes against camp. Two counsellors, Firefly and Razzleberry were both found guilty and were slimed to achieve justice.

With a perfect day to end our week, we all went to bed early to get ready for our big trip home!

See y’all real soon!!


Wednesday: Language and Interpretation