Day 10: Entering and Exiting Groups

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We cannot believe it is the last day of camp! The session has been filled with fun adventures, new friends and amazing activities that campers and counsellors won’t soon forget!

We began our day with a camp wide game of Human Tracker. Campers loved exploring the forest for the best hiding spots and dodging through the trees to chase their friends.

Following camp wide game was social skill, where the focus was entering and exiting groups. Campers learned that using a greeting and being friendly are often the most effective ways to enter a group. When exiting a group, campers learned to explain their reason for leaving and saying goodbye . A great question for your camper would be, what greeting would you use when entering a group?

We then ate our snack before moving into clubs. In Outdoor Skills Club, we made delicious smores over the campfire, In Art Club we made camp memory chains and in Sports Club we played football!

We then transitioned to lunch. After our bellies were full we moved to choice activities of backyard party, water games or slime making.

We only had one choice block today to save room for Kangaroo Court! In Kangaroo Court, the counsellors are put on trial for crimes against camp. Campers have been adding to the Kangaroo Court ballot box all session advocating for who they want to be slimed. After reading the ballots, there were several counsellors that had committed crimes against camp: Yogi for supposedly tipping a camper’s canoe, Astro for being too tall, Yoda for spying on the campers and many more. Though it was T-Bone and Solstice who had the most votes by far. Campers then volunteered as the defence, prosecution and witnesses to present the evidence of the case. After some startling and contradictory evidence, Solstice was let off with a warning and T-Bone was found guilty of crimes against camp! He was promptly slimed and camp justice was served.

Thank you for an amazing session. We are sad to see the campers go, but know that all the memories made over these last two weeks will last a lifetime. From everyone here at camp, we hope you have a safe and fun summer.


Day 9: Teamwork