Day 7: Problem Solving

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Welcome back!

It was another fantastic day that started with a camp wide game of Hostage! This game is similar to capture the flag, but instead of hiding a flag campers hid a counselor! Teams have to rescue their counselor from the other team’s area without being tagged. It was a great way to start the day as it was filled with creative hiding spots, epic chases through the forest and lots of movie quotes. 

“How could you Ranger? You were supposed to destroy the red team, not join them!” 

“They may have taken our counsellor, but they can never take our freedom!”

Please use the arrows to move through the photos

We then headed back to the lodge for a snack before moving outside for Social Skill. The focus today was on Problem solving. Whether at school, work or hanging out with friends, we all face challenges that require the use of problem solving skills.  We began our discussion by brainstorming challenges that we can face daily that require our problem solving skills. Then, Solstice taught us about the Three Step System. This system allows us to first, identify the problem, then develop a solution, and lastly, implement it. Campers used this to carry, lift and brainstorm creative ways to get their peers through the hoop! With Bronco, we practiced coming up with creative solutions to problems, embracing trial and error, and accepting different people’s perspectives. We used these skills to solve the electric maze and build a bridge in small groups!

In both of these activities, campers had to develop and modify their plan multiple times. We learned that a big part of problem solving comes with patience, experience, as well as listening and learning from other people's experiences.

A question to ask your camper may be, what are some problem solving skills that you can use in your everyday life? Is there a challenge that you can apply these strategies to at camp this week?

Following social skill was clubs. The sport club played games with scoops, the art club built dream catchers and the outdoor skills club went on a nature scavenger hunt!

Please use the arrows to move through the photos

Next we transitioned into choice activities, where campers either built kites with Ivy, played extreme capture the flag with Yogi or designed custom banners with Ranger.

Please use the arrows to move through the photos

It turned out to be a beautiful day and we were sad to see the campers go. But we are excited for tomorrow to do it all over again!

Have a great night!


Day 8: Settling Disputes


Day 6: Recognizing Body Language