Day 9: Problem Solving
We cannot believe it’s the last day of camp! The session has flown by and we have had so much fun making new friends and learning new skills. We ended on a great note today with some awesome activities and Kangaroo Court!
We began the day with announcements then a camp wide game of Human Tracker. In this game, campers must hide in the forest to avoid being found by the human trackers. If the trackers find them and catch them, they also become trackers and must find the rest of the players.
Following this, we moved into our social skill of the day- Problem Solving! Axel lead a discussion surrounding small problems and big problems and what to do about them. Small problems, like losing a pencil, can be easily solved with little effort. Big problems, like confronting a bully or seeing a snake on a hiking trail, require more effort to solve and potentially an adult’s help. We practiced collaborating with each other to solve problems with a game of two truths and a lie. A question to potentially ask your camper is, what is problem you have had in the past and how did you solve it?
Following social skill, we had a quick snack then moved on to clubs. In Outdoor Skills Cub we eco printed with plants and fabric, in Sports Club we played Gaga Ball and in Art Club we made clay sculptures!
We took a break for lunch then started our choice activities! Campers had the options of a Dungeons and Dragons adventure, water games or Backyard party!
Up next came the highly anticipated Kangaroo Court! In Kangaroo Court, campers accuse counsellors of crimes against camp in a mock courtroom setting. They participate as witnesses , defence and prosecution lawyers to convince the jury (the crowd) that the counsellor is either guilty or innocent. The Kangaroo (judge) began by reading the ballots that campers have been submitting for the past two weeks. There were many counsellors accused of crimes against camp, but the names that popped up the most were Gecko and Astro. Gecko was accused of trying to sell car insurance, being too tall and not actually looking like a lizard. Astro was accused of never actually being to space and apparently taking away camper’s free will. After some exciting and conflicting testimony, the Kangaroo found Astro guilty and sentenced him to be slimed!
It was an amazing session here at camp filled with fun and new friends. On behalf of all of us here at camp, have a great summer and stay safe!