DC 1 Zones of Regulation

Welcome back to Camp Amicus! It is a hot one today so we all have to make sure to have our water bottles and to sunscreen up! Before we head towards camp-wide game.

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Today’s Camp Wide Game was Temple of Doom! There are three teams, one needs to get through successfully to the goal to get the treasure from the temple of doom and make it back without getting hit by a barrage of dodgeballs on both sides!

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Todays Social Skill is Zones of Regulation! Zone of regulations focus is on the individuals mood/zone they are in. Red zone is angry, overwhelmed. Blue zone is sad, tired. Yellow zone is excited, anxious. Green zone is happy, relaxed. Putting these moods into zones helps campers identify how they are feeling and make it more recognizable.

One of the games the campers played to help better understand Zones of Regulation was west wind blows. Someone would start in the middle and say West wind blows when you're eating your favourite food! Campers then would swap spots and find the matching zone they think they would be in that situation.

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After Social Skill campers head towards Club! Sports club played belly baseball, Science club made catapults and art club made melty beads

Campers head towards lunch to refuel and afterwards campers get to go to their two choices blocks. Todays Choices are Bracelet making, Gaga ball and Crab ball.

We end off our day with steps in the right direction! Super excited for tomorrow its going to be another hot one!


DC 1 Personal Problem Solving


DC 1 What Other People Are Thinking