DC 1 Steps in the right direction

Welcome back campers for the last day of camp! Today we have kangaroo court and our award ceremony, wow has time flown by!

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We are off to the races with the campers most voted camp wide game, capture the flag!

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Today’s Social Skill was Social Rules. Campers started with bob the weasel! One camper or counsellor is in the middle of a circle while everyone surrounding is singing bob the weasel and bobbing their head while passing around the weasel . The camper in the middle is tasked with finding the who is holding the weasel. Campers take their best guess reading social cues and expressions on each others faces.

Dress the beast was another activity, campers were tasked with dressing the beast. Campers ran to a counsller and was given a situation and asked how would they dress according to the situation. How would you dress if it was a formal dinner?

The one with the fully dressed beast won the game!

Campers transition towards their clubs! Sports club played revenge dodge ball, art club made tissue paper art and science club made elephant tooth paste!

Campers switch to their choices which was button making and belly baseball!

Today was the last day of camp! The camper’s have been putting their ballot in for kangaroo court.

Campers have been voting as well as campaigning for who they think deserves to be slimed, for their crimes against camp! Viper, Chewy and T-Bone were up for judgement. Although witnesses gave a good case for Viper, it was T-Bone and Chewy that endured the slime. Although both sides had great defence lawyers and valid reasons for not getting slimed. What an amazing time the last two weeks have been at camp. Learning, exploration and having fun most importantly! Have a great summer everyone!


DC 1 Personal Problem Solving