DC 2 Empathy & Friendships

Welcome back to Camp Amicus! Its our second day of the week and oh boy is it hot, campers make sure they sunscreen up and are off to the races for our Camp Wide Game!

Today’s Camp Wide Game was Temple of Doom! There are three teams, one needs to get through successfully to the goal to get the treasure from the temple of doom and make it back without getting hit by a barrage of dodgeballs on both sides!

Today’s social skill is empathy and friendships campers get started with throwing around a toilet paper creating a web of compliments. Campers start with surface level compliment I like your shoes, I like you hair. It usually is something that is appearance based. Campers try lifting up a bag using the toilet paper compliments they could not lift it.

After campers used string rope but instead of using basic compliments campers use more thought out compliments such as I like how you’re nice to me and always checking on me if i’m doing better. Knowing the difference between empathy and sympathy can be major factors in creating friendships. Strings compliments are thought out better compared to the toilet compliments because they are starting points that you can build a deeper relationship breaking the surface and means something to the person individual. Some campers got bead colours for compliments that they think the zone they’re in and some made friendship posters.

Campers transition to clubs. Science club made marshmallow buildings, Art Club made paper fortune tellers and Sports club played soccer!

Campers switch to their choices for the day! Choices were Zombie Dodgeball, Button Making and Backpocket games!

Campers end off the day with Steps in the right direction, hope you have an amazing rest of your day! We will see you tomorrow!


DC 2 Social Problem Solving


DC 2 Conversations