Horsemanship I

Welcome to Horsemanship! I hope everyone had a great school year! As we embark on our journey to homeland ranch we make sure we apply a heavy layer of sunscreen as well as bug spray.

Today we start off with combing and petting our horses. Just like everyone including ourselves we all need self care for us to live a healthy life. Before we handle any other business self care comes first.

After talking and taking care of our horses we learn how to bridle, saddle up our horses it is essential we know how to put the equipment on correctly. Campers work together to put on their saddles. Campers refuel for a snack break and head off to the arena for trotting lessons!

We end off our day at the arena where campers learn how to trot and stop / control the horses! Trail riding is up next! Remember to bring sunscreen and bug spray.


Horsemanship V


Blog Post Title Two