ON 5 - Day 5: Zones of Regulation 2

Our final day of camp began with a polar clean up of our cabins, and then a breakfast of egg and hash browns with cinnamon buns and fruit!

We then played our final camp wide game which was tiger tails. In tiger tails, campers try to steal each other's tails while trying to protect their own. The player with the most tails at the end of the game wins.

Up next was social skills, today’s social skill was “Zones of Regulation 2”. This skill helps to teach campers about the different zones (green, red, blue, yellow) and how to work through regulating themselves when confronted with difficult situations. We also talked about how we all react differently in the same situation, and how it may make us feel.

We had a peaceful meal of pasta with meat sauce and garlic bread! It was delicious and helped everyone feel energized and ready to finish off the day.

We then handed out our camp awards! Each camper gets a personalized award that represents them and their time here at camp. It’s a great way to show the campers all the awesome achievements they have accomplished. Right after the awards, it was time to watch our end of camp slideshow, and relive some of those wonderful memories we have made over the past week.

After the awards and slideshow, it was time to grab all of our stuff and get it loaded onto the bus and head home to foothills!

We have all had an amazing time at camp, and we thank you for joining us for the ride. So with that being said, have a goodnight and goodbye.


ON 5 - Day 4: What Others are Thinking/Kangaroo Court