ON 6 - DAY 3: Language / Interpretation

It’s day 3 here at camp and we started our day off with another polar plunge, before heading to our morning meal which was breakfast wraps.

We then had some 2:6 time to hangout and get ready for the rest of our day. Up next was a camp wide game, we played a brand new game today called “bacon” and it was incredibly fun! After all the running and screaming BACON! It was time to transition to social skills. 

Today’s social skills was language / interpretation. This skill helps our campers recognize how we all interpret communication differently, and how to be mindful when communicating with others. We played camp apprentice, a fun activity where campers are broken off into groups and tasked with designing a product that can be used at camp. They are given specific roles, and set out to effectively communicate their ideas, opinions and thoughts with each other. It’s a great way to show how these skills come in handy in a more “real world” scenario.

We had grilled cheese and ham sandwiches with carrot sticks and cucumbers for lunch before moving into our rest hour.

It was then time for choice! Today’s activities were swimming, bead animals and gaga ball.

We had a super chill and relaxing afternoon playing in the pool, creating wonderful animals and testing our skills in the gaga pit. And it was then time for some 2:6/free time before dinner.

Dinner was hot dogs with chips and veggies.

It was time for our evening camp wide game where we played a classic game of capture the flag. After thoroughly tiring ourselves out, we proceeded to hand out our steps and begin our bedtime programming.

With the penultimate day just on the horizon, we all wonder what tomorrow will bring. So don’t forget to check back tomorrow for more exciting adventures here at camp!


ON 6 - DAY 4: What Others are Thinking / Kangaroo Court


ON 6 - DAY 2: Expected / Unexpected Behaviours