ON 6 - DAY 4: What Others are Thinking / Kangaroo Court

Our penultimate day of camp began with one final polar plunge. Before we all headed down to the chalet for breakfast. Today’s breakfast was french toast with whipped cream, sausages and orange slices.

It was then time for choice? That's right choice in the morning! We had horse riding, comic book making and dodgeball as our options.

Lunch was up next, where we had chicken wraps with veggies, and led right into our rest hour.

After a good rest it was time for today’s social skills block. Today’s social skills was “What others are thinking”. We played the game “around the world” where campers must work to spell out around the world, using items that they want to take on a trip around the world. The catch is they don’t know this secret rule until after, this is a great way to show that we can’t always know what others are thinking but we can ask questions to find out. We also talked about ways to understand other’s thoughts, through body language, understanding each other's perspective, and active listening.

A quick snack later and it was time for our only camp wide game of the day human tracker. In human tracker, teams of campers and counselors must hide in the wooded area of camp as the sneaky human trackers try to hunt them down and tag them! It’s a great game of cat and mouse, and also very fun. 

Up next was KANGAROO COURT, the most feared activity of our counselors week. Kangaroo court is our mock trial where campers can vote to slime a counselor for committing “camp crimes”. This can range from forgetting a water bottle to Ripley being a rat and stealing all our cheese.

BRONTOSAURUS and MOONBEAM were the unlucky souls to be slimed this week!

After justice was served it was time for dinner which was ground beef with rice and veggies.

We then kicked off our closing campfire! This campfire is special as we like to invite campers up to dance and sing songs with their favourite counselors. Everyone had a great time and we then handed out our final steps of the week.

It was then time to head to bed and rest up for a busy final day of activities and heading home! See you then.


ON 6 - DAY 3: Language / Interpretation