ON 5 Wednesday: Personal Problem Solving

This morning we started off early with our daily polar bear dip before having a wonderful breakfast of french toast and fruit! After breakfast we got together in our cabin groups for 2:6 time, cleaned up our bunks and got ready for another busy day by filling up our water bottles and getting sun screen on us. After that we got together for a camp wide game of Human Tracker. In this game, there is a small group wearing pinnies, these are the trackers, and the rest are hiding in the forest hiding from them. If a hider gets tagged, they become trackers who help every one track down the remaining hiders.

After camp wide game, we had a quick snack transition before our social skill of the day which was: Personal Problem Solving. In this social skill, we learned about how to solve problems as a team and individually. To help facilitate this, we did an activity where the team would stand on the tarp and the goal was be to flip it over without stepping off of it. Another activity was a memory one where team mates would run to the other side of the field to memorize symbols and run back to their team and communicate what they looked like, the team with the most symbols drawn would win.

Please use arrows to see all photographs.

For lunch today, we had taco salad which was delicious. After lunch we went back to our cabins for rest hour so we had some more energy coming into our choice blocks. We had four different choices today, which were swimming, high ropes, motor boating, and our low choice.

In swimming, it was a pool party with inflatable toys. It was the perfect way to cool off from a nice hot summer day. At high ropes, we climbed to the top for some sky high fun with harnesses and support from our friends! Out on the lake, the motor boat offered us some high speed fun while tubing, knee boarding, and even water skiing! For our low choice today, we did Pokémon Go! In this choice, campers got the opportunity to find and catch their favourite Pokémon around the forest for some low energy fun.

Please use the arrows to see all photographs

After our choice blocks we had another 2:6 time to hang out with our cabin mates, then had a bit of free time.

For dinner, we had chicken, potatoes, and veggies. Then we had a dance party before we did our steps in the right direction. It was so fun, but for those who didn’t have enough energy to bust out their favourite dance moves we also offered a low energy alternative where campers got to work on bracelets, more slime campaign signs and even drawing.

We had so much fun today, and we cannot believe tomorrow is going to be our last full day of camp, but that won’t stop us from having the most fun possible!


ON 5 Thursday: Zones of Regulation


ON 5 Tuesday: What Others are Thinking