ON 1 Wednesday: Communication

Despite the overcast weather, we were still so excited for our fourth day of camp! As usual, we made our way down to Polar Bear Dip and then had delicious egg sandwiches at breakfast. This got us ready for our camp wide game of Human Tracker! In Human Tracker, all the campers hide except for two. Those two have to search the camp for all the other campers! It involves a lot of creative hiding, fast paced chases and time to explore!

Please use the arrows below to go through the images

Following camp wide game, we moved to the field for social skill. The theme today was communication. At camp, and at home, communication is so important because it allows us to express how we feel and receive the supports we need. Through a basketball inspired activity, we practiced communicating kindly and clearly to our friends.

After a lunch of pizza buns, we rested for an hour before moving to choice activities. Today we had the options of high ropes, swimming or making bead animals! Next, we spent some time with our 2:6 groups to review our goals and play some games. Campers had some free time and ate before heading to the much anticipated, Foothills Dance! Campers had so much fun dancing to their favourite tunes under the disco. After a great day, we wound down in our cabins and headed to bed.


ON 1 Thursday: Zones of Regulation


ON 1 Tuesday: Social Rules