D4: Problem Solving

Welcome back to day 4 of overnight camp!

Today we had some sausage, yogurt, fruit and toast for breakfast, but even before that we started our day with a Polar Bear Plunge! We’ve been doing this every morning since the start of camp; our bravest kids come out first thing in the morning and take a cold plunge to get the blood pumping first thing!

After that we played Temple Of Doom as a camp-wide game, and then dove into our social skills for the day: problem solving!

Counsellor’s Starburst and Captain Presto led their camper groups in “size of the problem,” an activity where the campers are given hypothetical problems, and must inflate their balloons and themselves to match the size of their emotions with the size of the problem.

Once we were all well educated and finished with lunch (Tacos in a bag, yum!) we dove into the day’s choice activities; origami, archery, and zip-lining!

We wrapped up our day with some spaghetti, some free time to see horses or play catch, and last but not least a dance in the main hall!!

See ya’ll tomorrow!


Sunday: Welcome to Overnight Camp!


D3: Identifying Emotions