Thursday: Zones of Regulation

Welcome back to another wonderful day at overnight camp! We cannot believe today was our last full day! We started off our morning with another polar bear dip before getting ready for the day and heading down to breakfast. For breakfast, we had french toast, bacon and fruit! 

After breakfast, we had 2:6 time where we checked in with the goals we set earlier this week, before heading over to a camp wide game of capture the flag. After camp wide game, we made our way over to social skill. Our social skill today was Zones of Regulation. We talked about the different zones (green, blue, yellow, and red) and how different situations and circumstances can affect how we are feeling. We then discussed different strategies that we can use when we are in different zones, including making regulation fortune tellers and playing “Get me Back to Green” where one camper acts out an emotion and others strategize how to get them back to the green zone.

After social skill, we had some transition time before we headed over for lunch where we had ramen and veggies. Following lunch, it was time for rest hour. We went back to our cabins and chose a low choice activity to rest our bodies.

After rest hour, we headed to our choices for the afternoon. While there was another thunderstorm looming, we had so much fun playing floor hockey, caring for the horses and making bracelets. 

We then had kangaroo court, where campers participate in court to try and get a couple counsellors slimed for crimes against camp. Two counsellors, Otter and Cedar were both found guilty and they were both slimed to achieve justice.

With a perfect day to end our week, we all went to bed early to get ready for our big trip home!

See y’all real soon!!


Sunday: Welcome to Overnight Camp!


Wednesday: What Others Are Feeling