Polaris 1: Week one Part 2

Welcome back to the Polaris 1 blog!

On Tuesday we did our usual camp morning routine which is, wake up for polar bear dip at 7:30 then get changed for breakfast. After Breakfast we jumped right into the water today with communication and canoeing! We canoed all the way across the lake to get some ice- cream and milkshakes, then canoed back to the campgrounds for lunch. Where we had mini pizzas. Afterwards we got back into our cabins for our rest hour then we learned how to properly backpack!

After a quick snack we went to the high ropes course to further work on our teambuilding and trust in one another. Then we had a bit of free time before dinner today which was spaghetti!

After dinner we had an awesome opportunity to help the overnight kids build fires for their camp wide game: hydro pyro! Then we did our steps in the right direction right before we got ready for bed.

Please use arrows to see all photographs.

Today we started off as usual with our polar bear dip and breakfast which was “peaceful pancakes.” Any food we receive that starts with a “P” automatically becomes peaceful, which means that campers have to keep their voices down and maintain a sense of peace inside the dining hall.

After breakfast we reviewed some more backpacking and learned some water filtration skills then played some gaga ball afterwards. For lunch we had chicken fingers and fries! Then we all headed back to our cabins for our rest hour.

After rest hour we reviewed more hiking and trail safety before our hike around the campgrounds. We also set up our tents at our hiking destination then made supper outside. We made some grilled cheese sandwiches! After dinner we had a campfire as a group then had steps in the right direction.

This weeks group is incredible and we have all learned so much and have made such valuable connections, We cannot wait for what will come and all the sites we will see in these upcoming weeks!

Please use arrows to see all photos.


Polaris I: Week one