Polaris II

Welcome back to Calgary, campers! Polaris started off today with a few get to know you games to warm up before heading out for our first hike of the week!

Campers were then given maps of the hike and we were off to track across the busy road and head towards the woods.

Today we headed towards Douglas fir trail on a very sunny and humid day. Although not before we showered ourselves in sun screen and bug spray! As we followed the trail we made sure to make time for snacks and a lunch break. We stopped at the view point to take in the view of Calgary as we munched on our lunches.

After a break at the view, we moved onward and finished our hike! It was a hot one today and the mosquitoes were out in full force be sure to be prepared with sunscreen and bug spray as we advance through different trails this week. This is just the beginning, we're excited to see you back tomorrow for another day of hiking!


Polaris I: Week one


Polaris II: Week One