Day 2: Entering Groups

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Welcome back to camp!

We are so excited for another fun filled day. Today we started with a camp wide game of Temple of Doom! In this game, campers must dodge a flurry of balls in order to get to the treasure at the end of the corridor. The team that collects the most treasure wins!

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Afterwards we had snack and then transitioned to Social Skill. The focus for today was discussing and practicing entering groups. We work on this skill at camp because it can often be difficult for us to approach a group of people and integrate ourselves into conversation. Today we talked about how it is normal to feel a bit stressed and worked on ways to make it easier.

With Bronco, campers worked in small groups to create a chart full of positive and negative ways to enter groups. A question you could ask your camper is, what are some positive ways you talked about today that you can use to integrate yourself into a conversation with others? Today we discussed: using a greeting (Hey, how are you doing?), being happy, participating in the conversation and by having good body presence. We also practiced using humour with a hilarious game of Park Bench.

In Solstice’s group, we worked on entering groups using role play. They practiced entering a group and keeping the conversation going with different people! They also practiced staying on topic during conversations with a fun balloon game! Ask your camper how many delicious meals they were able to name off while on the topic of food!

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After social skill we moved into clubs. In Sports Club we practiced our basketball skills and played a game of bump! We also imagined what it would be like to play basketball with the characters from Avatar the Last Airbender. What we learned from this is that Prince Zuko and the fire-benders sure can dunk. In Outdoor Skills Club we searched for firewood to made pixie fires, which are very small fires approximately the size of a fist. Building these fires provides an amazing opportunity for campers to practice teamwork and resilience while recognizing that it can be harder than expected to make a fire. In Art Club we flexed our creative muscles and made any craft/ drawing that was animal related. We saw some incredible horse paintings, a ghost shark made out of a paper plate and even colourful 3D animals made from paper clips, pom-poms and cardstock!

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We took a break during lunch and then headed out for Choice! Today, campers had the option of water games (where we played intense games of sponge dodgeball), gardening (where we began growing plants) and forest mindfulness (where we took time to relax and take in the natural environment by sketching objects around us). Lots of fun was had int the beautiful weather.

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Next we headed to the Gathering Place to do Steps in the Right direction before we said goodbye and campers headed home. It was a great day are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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Day 3: Recognizing Emotion


The Adventure (camp) Begins!