Day 4: Digital Communication

Welcome back to camp!

We started the day with announcements before moving into the forest for a camp wide game of Human Tracker. In Human Tracker, campers hide in the forest from the trackers. If they get caught they also become a tracker! Campers found some great hiding spots and enjoyed exploring the forest.

Use the arrows to move through the photos

Next, we transitioned into social skill, where the focus was digital communication. With so many aspects of our lives happening online or through a digital medium, it is important to know how to effectively communicate and navigate in the digital world. Campers played a game of digital-inspired Two Truths and a Lie with our digital detective, Eclipse. She explained that not everything we see on the internet is true and we need to hone in on our detective skills to help us while using digital media. A good question to ask your camper is, what can you look for to determine if what you see online is real or fake? We also learned from Astro what positive and negative communication looks like online. Communicating online is different from talking face to face. Campers brainstormed positive messages like being kind, not bullying and sharing positive posts and discussed negative actions they should avoid.

Use the arrows to move through the photos

Our last activity before lunch was clubs. In Outdoor Skills club, we made camping hammocks out of tarps, in Sport Club we played handball and in Art Club we created abstract art based on the sounds of nature.

Use the arrows to move through the photos

After a break from the sun and some food, we headed back outside for choice activities. Campers had the option of water games, art or gaga ball! The gaga ball group ended up joining water games to cool down and played a group game of british bulldog- water edition!

Use the arrows to move through the photos

After some heartfelt messages during steps, we said goodbye to the campers for the day and are looking forward to welcoming them back tomorrow.


Day 5: Humour


Day 3: Recognizing Emotion