Day 5: Humour


Welcome back to camp! 

We started our day with a game of Cardio Pictionary. Just like regular Pictionary, campers received words to draw that their group had to guess. The twist is that campers had to chase and catch counsellors to receive the words to draw!

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After camp wide game, we transitioned into social skill. Today our  focus was on using humour effectively and appropriately in conversation. Ranger and Gecko taught us that there are some things we can joke about and some things that we can't. This is because the joke can be interpreted differently depending on who is around us. They also explained that you can joke differently depending on who you are around. The things we may talk about with our friends might not be the same things to talk about with our teachers. We brainstormed how jokes have the capacity to be harmful if used the wrong way. A great question to ask your campers would be, what things should you not joke about?

While humour can be a difficult subject, we wanted to focus on the positives of it as well! Campers were using their funny bones to try and make their peers and counsellors laugh during graveyard and as a group came up with one-word stories. From these stories, we discovered that Ranger doesn’t like pizza and that he jumped over a volcano. Another topic of conversation for you and your camper would be, is not liking pizza a slimable offence? For many, I think it would be.

Please use the arrows to move through the photos

Following social skill, we separated into our clubs. In Outdoor Skills Club, we made delicious banana boats over the fire! For many campers, it was their first time having a fire-roasted banana with chocolate and marshmallows, and hopefully not the last! In Sports Club the team played spikeball and in Art Club the team made bead animals! 

Please use the arrows to move through the photos

After clubs the groups took a break, had some lunch and reapplied sunscreen before heading to choice. Campers either canoed with T-Bone, made spinning ornaments with Astro or played Gaga Ball with Oak.

Please use the arrows to move through the photos

It was a great day to end the week on! We are so excited for next week and will see you on Monday.

Have a great weekend!


Day 6: Recognizing Body Language


Day 4: Digital Communication