Day 4: Prickly Pickles

Happy Thursday!

We began the day as we always do, with camp wide game! Today we played Force Field. This game is similar to capture the flag, but there are multiple flags to capture and only one team is attacking at a time. Campers had so much fun hiding the flags and running through the forest, but the real highlight was a surprise visit from snuffles the cat and a baby deer!

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Following camp wide game we had some water and food before heading to social skill. The topic today was prickly pickles, which is a term we use at camp for difficult conversations. These conversations often take place when we are approaching a bully, handling rejection, holding boundaries with close friends, and a variety of other situations. Axel and Ranger lead discussions about the importance of being a good listener and trying to understand the other person’s point of view. We then took what we learned and applied it to situations through role play. A good question to potentially as your camper is, how can you participate in a difficult conversation in a way that is respectful to all people? 

Ranger then spoke to us about the importance of clear and kind communication during these tough conversations. Once we have said something, we can't take back what we've said. Therefore, if we've said something hurtful because we were hurt, we can't take that back and may have risked our friendship with the other person. Ranger illustrated the challenge of repairing relationships by putting mentos into a bottle of diet coke. As we know, when this is done, there is a chemical reaction, much like how we may feel inside when we're having difficult conversations. The coke burst out of the bottle and Ranger asked us to put the coke back in. What this metaphor taught us, is that when our emotions burst, we can affect others and it can take some time to fill our buckets (coke) back up again and repair our relationships with others that we may have hurt.

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After social skill and a quick break, we transitioned to clubs. In Outdoor Skills Club we made home-made hammocks out of tarps, in Sports Club we played soccer and in Art Club we made beautiful ceramic tile art!

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Next was lunch and then choice activities. Campers chose from group games with Astro, the Camp Amicus Olympics with Gecko or gaga ball with Eclipse!

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We ended our day with Steps in the Right Direction. We are very proud of all the hard work our campers have all put in this week and are so excited to see you all again tomorrow!

Have a great night.

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Day 5: Blowing off Steam


Day 3: Healthy Relationships