Day 2: Self Awareness
We are so excited for another fun filled day. Today we started with a camp wide game of Temple of Doom! In this game, campers must dodge a flurry of balls in order to get to the treasure at the end of the corridor. The team that collects the most treasure wins!
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Following camp wide game, we transitioned to social skill. This is an integral part of camp where we discuss and practice social skills that help campers build resiliency, communication skills and so much more. Today, the focus was on self awareness. Campers brainstormed what self awareness means to them before moving onto some hands-on activities with Thumper and Astro. Thumper taught us that the more we know and like about ourselves, the better we can define our personal boundaries and use positive self-talk. With Astro, we discussed how our self awareness is heavily impacted by the people we surround ourselves with, highlighting the importance of positive friend groups. Campers traced each other with chalk, participated in meditations, and played stealth games to practice these concepts.
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We then moved into clubs! In Outdoor Skills Club we made pixie fires, in Sports Club we played field hockey, and in Art Club we made masks. After some exciting time in clubs, we relaxed, re-applied sunscreen, and ate our lunch.
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Once we were re-energized, we transitioned to choice activities. Today, campers chose from water games with Ranger, gaga ball with T-Bone or gardening with Ivy.
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Next, we settled in for steps in the right direction before heading home for the day. It was a great day overall, and we can’t wait to do it again tomorrow!