DC 2 Empathy & Friendships
Welcome back campers! We start off today with announcements and get right into the camp wide game, which was human tracker today.
Today’s game was human tracker. Our camp wide game was essentially a big game that combined hide and seek, the trappers were tasked with finding the campers and once they tagged at least two members. The campers became a part of the trappers.
Today’s social skill focus was about empathy and friendships
Campers gathered around in a circle and a counselor started with a compliment as well as rolling the toilet paper to a camper. Campers gave out compliments on a surface level. A counselor then threw the "friendship bag" on the toilet paper web the campers made, it broke.
The second time around the counselor used string but this time they asked campers to use more kind and deep compliments on each other. More personal compliments rather then on a surface level. Counselors threw the same bag on this web but this time it didn’t fall break.
When doing the web with string it held up the friendship bag when we used strong, considerate and meaningful comments but on the toilet paper web it did not hold when we used superficial level compliments and comments.
When it comes to empathy and sympathy connecting on a personal level it’ll help us connect our emotions and helps us support our friendships with strong roots.
After social skills we transition towards clubs! Sport’s club played basketball, the science club made elephant tooth paste and art club painted and made tie dye shirts. We transition towards a well needed lunch after clubs.
After a needed lunch break we transition towards choices, our choices are dodge ball, spa day and quidditch!
Campers switched up their choices for the second choice block of the day. We ended off today with steps in the right direction we will see you tomorrow.