DC 2 What others are thinking

Welcome back Campers for the last day of the first week of camp! Today we start off with announcements and we head towards camp wide game, we are also off to village square today!

Today’s camp wide game was eagles nest just like capture the flag campers are split up into two teams both have to protect their eggs while trying to capture the other teams egg! Camp wide Alt also drew and made paper planes.

After camp wide game campers head towards the camp room for a quick snack break to refuel before they head off to social skill. Today’s Social skill is what other people are thinking.

  • Campers throw around a hacky sack and take turns saying a fun fact about them, how are we suppose to find out more things about them and what they are thinking without asking them.

  • Campers drew out a thought bubble of what they were thinking and shared it with other campers, it feels good to have others understand us and care about what we are thinking and we want to do the same for others!

  • Cues are important in trying to understand what others are thinking their face reaction is something that you can try to read to help get a better understanding of what they are thinking. Campers in twos in the last activity have a piece of paper in hand and hide it in one hand and the person across from them is to guess which hand it is in by reading their actions and facial expressions!

When thinking about what others are thinking it is almost impossible to read minds, campers learn that the best thing to do to find out what is going is to ask them individually as well as picking up on cues!

We end off the day with swimming what a great week can’t wait to see you next week!


DC 2 Conversations


DC 2 Language and Interpretation