Day 2: Zones of Regulation


We had another wonderful day at camp! We began our day with morning announcements before jumping into a camp wide game of Cardio Pictionary. Cardio Pictionary is similar to regular Pictionary except campers had to tag a counsellor and complete a task in order to get a word to draw out for their teams.

Please use the arrows below to go through the images

Following camp wide game, was our first social skills activity. Social skills is an important component of our program here at Camp Amicus. Each day, we take time to focus on social skills that aid in the development of peer relations, emotional regulation, and provide us with the tools we need to tackle the challenges we face daily. For today’s social skill, Bullseye talked with campers about the zones of regulation. The four zones of regulation that we discussed today are the Blue Zone (upset, sad, tired, sick, bored, confused, stressed), the Green Zone (calm, happy, okay, focused, ready to learn, alert), the Yellow Zone (excited, frustrated, annoyed, worried, silly/wiggly, nervous, anxious), and the Red Zone (mad/angry, mean, panicked, intense feelings, need time and space). Campers painted the four zones as emotions on canvas and discussed what paint colour, out of the zone colours, they were feeling. We then discussed different scenarios and what zones we might be in if we were in those situations and how we could help regulate ourselves. A good question to ask your campers may be, what are some strategies that you can use to help re-regulate yourself when you are in the blue, yellow, and red zones?

Please use the arrows below to go through the images

Next up, we had clubs. In STEM Club, campers worked together to find a way to protect an egg for egg drop and in Art/Music club we drew how we felt as we listened to a variety of music. 

After clubs, it was time for lunch and then choice! For choice today, we had belly baseball, tye dye and screen printing, and calm cafe where we played a ton of different games. 

Before we knew it, it was time for steps in the right direction. 

That’s all for today, but we are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


Day 3: Entering and Exiting Groups


Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!