Day 6: Teamwork
Welcome back to another amazing week at Camp! We have started off this week with an incredibly exciting character day. Camp has transformed into various scenes from some of our favourite games, movies and television shows. We have Minecraft in the Wellness Centre, Harry Potter in the hallway, and Avengers in the gym!
After announcements, we partook in a camp wide game of Among Us. Squiggles divided us into groups of two and campers worked together to complete an electric grid, a body scanner, gum drop challenge and much more to determine who the imposters were.
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Following camp wide game, we transitioned into social skill with Bluejay who taught us about teamwork. A good question to potentially ask your camper may be, what makes a good team member? Today, we discussed how good team members listen, take other perspectives into consideration, and work well with others. Being a good team member is an important life skill because we are always working with others. If we use our listening skills, are patient, and take other perspectives into consideration we can often learn from those around us too. Campers applied their knowledge to two activities: an electric grid exercise and building an obstacle course.
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Up next was clubs. In STEM Club, we made giant finger prints and decoded secret messages. In Art/Music Club, we made Baby Yoda’s and used our lightsaber skills.
After clubs, it was time for lunch and then choice! For choice this afternoon, we have Pokemon Go with Atlas, Mindfulness/Spa Day with Monarch, and Secret Spy training with Pop Rocks.
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Before the end of the day, we had Steps in the Right Direction and some free time to finish up our Minecraft boxes.
What a wonderful day at camp filled with so much good character fun! We hope you all have a wonderful evening and look forward to seeing you tomorrow!