Day 8: Exiting Groups
It was another wonderful Thursday here at camp. We started our day with announcements before jumping into a camp wide game of What Do You Meme? In this game, campers were all given one picture to turn into a meme. They did so by chasing down counsellors who, upon completing a challenge, would provide them with a meme card. Campers worked together in their 2:6 groups to pick out the best meme card to go with the picture. Each card was presented to our esteemed panel of judges to decide who had the ultimate meme.
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After camp wide game, we had a snack and some water before transitioning to social skill. Today, Atlas taught us about the nuances of exiting a group. Sometimes we can be having a great conversation and then suddenly have to leave. On the other hand, we could also be really uninterested in the conversation taking place and want to leave. Either way, knowing some ways to exit a group is a fantastic way to maintain friendships and further our communication skills. A good question to potentially ask your camper may be, what is a good way to exit a group? Today we discussed how if you have to leave for another commitment, you can say, “I have to go now, but thank you for the wonderful conversation”.
Next up, it was time for clubs. In STEM Club, we made bottle rockets and tried to launch them in the field, and in Art/Music Club, we worked on our song for tomorrow’s performance!
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Before we knew it, it was time for lunch and then choice! For choice today, we had water games with Bluejay where campers played drip, drip, drop, and also had the opportunity to douse BlueJay, Bronto, and PopRocks in water. We also had bug catching with Phoenix where campers found a huge blue hornworm that they named Herald. Herald was constantly on the move and we all had a hard time keeping up with him. Campers also had the choice of attending pot painting and planting with Monarch where they painted some beautiful patterns on their cups before planting their chosen seed.
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After choice, it was time for Steps in the Right Direction and some free time before heading home. That’s all for today, but we are so excited to see you tomorrow for our last day of camp! Can you believe it? We sure can’t!