Horsemanship Week II

Welcome Campers to Horsemanship! We are excited to have you today at homeland ranch, we get into horsemanship and the necessity to pay attention to others and how they need to act and respond.

After a large dose of bug spray and sunscreen we get right into getting brushing, petting and combing the horses. The horses just like us need food, attention as well as a good hair cut to feel good and ready for the day!

Campers then go get their saddles and are ready to saddle up! Campers work together to put on the saddle and are ready to set off into the arena, not before they check the horse cinch to make sure it is tight and the same goes with your helmet!

Campers lead the horses towards the arena with a tug in the right direction, campers then practice going around the arena as they interweave with each other and move through obstacles.

Swiftly but steadily campers headed out into the sunset, with Mack & Crash leading the way! After a nice stroll we head back and campers make sure to un saddle properly as well as comb and pet their horses as they say goodbye. This was an exciting day at horsemanship we cannot wait to see you tomorrow where we learn how to trot our horses!


Horsemanship Week III


Horsemanship Week I